Monday, August 11, 2014



I hate cliches and except in movies, I have never heard any Fire Fighter use the the term. Well in Chemo it has some lovely side effects. When the nurse mentioned it I had to laugh inside as I sat there wearing a FD t-shirt...(ask FF Girl, I only wear FD shirts). I have heard Jobs, Workers, 10-75s and a few other names for fires, but what the hell is this Red Devil? The name of the drug is Adriamycin that is bright red in color and is delivered into the port in my chest by this horse size syringe that has to be administered slowly as not to cause heart damage. As she was prepping this, she covered me with a large pad. Inquiring minds want to know, so I asked why? Her response "If this gets on your skin it will burn". Wait...what? You are putting this into the main line to my heart and it is ok? I have been in a few fires that scared the crap out of me but this blew my mind. Well the side effects (which the first nurse failed to mention) include your urine turning bright red. Wellllll..this is one guy that sees bright red urine and gets worried. Thank God we had the notes on the meds I get and we read the side effects. Hopefully this gives you some insight into the RED DEVIL. As always..Never Give up, Never Give In  and Never Forget.....Da Chappy

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